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Rodolphe Acelor

Rodolphe Acelor Picture

Rodolphe Acelor is a licensed Luxury Real Estate Specialist known for his extensive market knowledge and unmatched devotion to his clientele. He has spearheaded multimillion dollar transactions for Miami-Dade luxury Real Estate properties with local and international buyers and sellers. Rodolphe specializes in utilizing technology to its maximum potential connecting investor networks. He executes many difficult and detailed tasks accurately and timely, enabling his clientele to buy or sell faster than the competition.

He received a Bachelor of Science degree from Pennsylvania State University Black School of Business at State College, Pennsylvania. One of his prolific experiences was in Private Equity. He generated over 40 divestiture opportunities, adding potentially four billion dollars in add-on revenue. Further preparing himself, he took an EMBA law course at University of Miami, Florida. He also worked for Accor Hotels (the largest hotel chain in the world) as a Business Development Manager structuring business relationships with over 4,000 AccorHotels in 92 countries Worldwide. For years he’s served in the U.S. military where he was known as Ace. Through his corporate and government professional experience his supervisors have praised his excellence for maintaining a 94% of accuracy rating in work.

Lastly, Rodolphe has resided in Miami-Dade for over 25 years gaining real time market knowledge. He’s dedicated to the success of all his clients. When not helping his clientele, he spends time with his daughter. Recreational interests include boating, Water polo, swimming, jogging, golf, chess and philanthropy activities. It has been his honor as a humanitarian to regularly participate in multiple charitable events. His contributions include assisting in fundraising and running in marathons for these organizations and mentoring underprivileged children at elementary schools.

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Miami Dade Luxury Real Estate


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